Monday, January 12, 2009

I just can't take your tears. I hate this part right here.

It's a new week! School starts back up next week, unfortunately. Sam is going to shoot Angela and I this Thursday, I believe. Also, I'm getting my hair cut on Thursday, so I definitely can't wait for that. My phone has been freezing up lately so I went and got a replacement phone, which is actually a lot better, even if it's the same exact phone I already had, just newer firmware.

The Tet Festival is coming up at the end of this month and the Saturday Ocean Fashion show is underway! Outfits are almost together and rehearsals are this weekend. Meeting the rest of the girls will be a lot of fun. I can't wait to see how it all turns out.

I'm also attending a birthday party for my friend, Maegan this weekend. She's turning 17! Her party is themed. We have to come dressed as our favorite musical artist. I'm going to go as Nikki Sixx or Motley Crue as a whole. Not too sure what I'm going to wear yet, but I look forward to putting an outfit together. I need to fake ink myself up hahah. I'll definitely take pictures!

Lately, I have been eating a lot of fruit. Avocados, strawberries, bananas,oranges, and apples. After my jog later, I'm going to eat strawberries sprinkled with sugar. To me, fresh fruit is always much more delicious than any kind of artificial sweets, excluding cupcakes hahah.

Paid The Container Store a trip in an attempt to find a way to organize my room and got dragged out of there by Angela because I ended up wanting to buy the whole store, which of course would lead me to file bankruptcy. However, I did find this dandy little notebook organizer that I really want. Thankfully, Target had what I was searching for today, so I didn't have to travel to IKEA, which would lead me to another dragged out exit.

There's a new episode of Gossip Girl tonight! I can't wait to see what happens. My next update will be a show review along with maybe a few new pictures. Have a fabulous week!

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