Friday, January 9, 2009

I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life

The Trial is coming along very nicely. I'm addicted to it. I love how I think something is going to happen and then something else does. It's very intriguing. I'm almost done reading. I'm hoping a couple hours put in this weekend will cap it off for me, then I'll start on The Scarlett Letter.

Ever since I was a child, I've been told by my Mother that avocados are very good for you. Once deemed as the "Butter Pear" because of how high in fat it is, nutritionists are now saying the fat in avocados is monounsaturated, aka good fat. Avocados are known to lower cholesterol levels, give you shiny hair, radiant skin, and lower the risk of heart disease. So how are you supposed to eat this holy fruit? There are a couple ways such as: spreading it on your bagel in replacement of cream cheese or use slices of avocado instead of mayo on your sandwiches. However, the only way I have eaten avocado is in smoothie form. I know what you're thinking, "WHAT?!" Trust me, it tastes absolutely fantastic. I am not at all a guacamole fan and I can't bear the thought of avocado in my Uptown Turkey Sandwich from Corner Bakery, so once or twice a week, I grab my blender, knife, and avocado for a healthy smoothie. Below is the recipe:

Kimmie's Avocado Smoothie
makes about three servings

1 avocado
2 cups of milk
5 tablespoons of sugar
1/2 cup crushed ice

  1. Place the crushed ice into the blender
  2. Slice the avocado in half (around the seed) the long way. Like in the picture above
  3. Scoop the seed out and toss. Spoon the avocado flesh into the blender
  4. Add sugar and approximately 75% of the milk
  5. Blend until roughly mixed. Depending on the power of your blender, by now it should be a little hard for the smoothie to flow in the blender. While the blender is still running (or turned off if you'd like) pour the rest of the milk in.
  6. Continue to blend until a smooth texture.
  7. Pour into cups and serve. Enjoy!

Yesterday, I went jogging just to get my cardio up to par. Completely forgot I had orthodics in my Nikes and in consequence gained blisters on the bottom of my feet by my arches, behind the balls of my feet. For those who are constantly wearing heels and want quick blister relief, try this: Take a needle or safety pin, sterilize it, and pop the blister. Use nonstick gauze to clean up the fluid. You might need tos tick the needle in a couple times to get all of the fluid out. Once that's done, take Neosporin place it over the blister and go to bed. No need to put any gauze or bandaid over it over night. In the morning you should feel much better. Last night, I couldn't walk regularly at all, now I can. It's such a joy.

Bride Wars came out today. It got a D+ review from my morning paper. I'll let you know what I think after this weekend. Have a fantastic weekend, everyone!


ticklexmexemoh said...

ahaha bride wars seems hilarious, i still need to go and watch it D:

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