Thursday, February 5, 2009

you can taste the bright lights, but you won't get them for free.

A lot has happened lately. The Vietnamese New Year Festival was a big success and so was the Saturday Ocean Fashion Show! I love watching Lion Dances even if the fire crackers are insanely loud. I also got the honor of writing out the lotto numbers onstage. At first it was very confusing and I didn't know what in the world I was doing, but once I got the hang of it, I felt so much like Vanna White! hahah. In addition to all the festive activities, I helped raise a lot of money for VAC. It's always a great feeling to help out a good cause.

Unfortunately I got VERY VERY sick after the festival. I was laying in bed for about two days, practically unconscious. I'm feeling much better now, even though I've somehow managed to lose ten lbs. YIKES! I'm working on gaining it all back as well as jumping back into my regular routine. Like usual I am buried in homework. I have so much going on this weekend. Actually, the rest of this month! As usual, I am swamped in homework. I have so much to do, but I'm staying very organized and things are going well.

My desktop computer is down at the moment. It's very tragic. I haven't had time to look at pictures from the festival, but Angel was kind enough to send me a few. Here's one of Viky and I after the fashion show in our Winter Wear.

Tomorrow is an event-filled day. Lots of VAC Activities and hopefully Cotillion, if time provides. I really want to find time to bake some cupcakes, probably red velvet, but I doubt I'll have the time. In between classes, I've been reading a lot. Mainly re-reading a few of my old Chuck Palahniuk favorites and reading new ones for the first time. I love that man! He is such an amazing writer. Right now my favorite book by him is Invisible Monsters and Rant. All of his books are fantastic so it's definitely hard to pick a favorites. I certainly suggest you pick up any of his books, you will get hooked for sure!

I've decided that I'm going to start watching Heroes (as if I even have time! lol). I know they used one of my favorite songs, "Light Up The Sky" by Yellowcard for the Season 1 Finale, and after all of the talk and talk and hype, I'm going to find some time to watch. Following House M.D. has been great fun. I can't wait to see what's next. I love science and medicine, not enough to actually persue a career in that field, but I really enjoy learning about it and such. There won't be a new Gossip Girl until March, but that's alright. I'm going to be kept busy. However, I did find an on-set picture of Nate and Blair in liplock. What does this mean? I love Chuck and Blair dearly, and Nate...well Nate is cute and all, but he's kissed every main female character on the show. And isn't he with Brooklyn girl, Vanessa?

I found some great pictures for my next entry, so stay posted! The weather is getting warm, so I'm looking forward to breaking out my spring wardrobe. It snowed in March last year, maybe we'll get the same thing again? We'll see. What's your favorite tv show? What are you looking forward to for Valentine's Day?

1 comment:

ticklexmexemoh said...

d'aww, sucks that you got sick D: and amazing photograph as usual :'D i'm not really a gossip girl fan, 'cos since our DVR thing is so screwed up i never know what number or channel shows are on. i think ive told you this before though :P

red velvet cupcakes sounds awesome, though i have no idea what that is, haha. my favorite tv show would HAFTA be secret life of the american teenager, it's so addicting [x

i'm not looking forward to anything in vday in particular, probably just giving out candy and suchh. yeah, lame, but whatever ! :]